Sandy Cooke Railway Training Solutions
Certified Track Inspector

The following is a breakout of the “Certified Track Inspector” course for engineering employees.

OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, the trainee will be able to perform all of the tasks and associated sub-tasks indicated below:

  • State basic changes to TSs resulting from implementation of Rules Respecting Track Safety
  • Identify basic elements of track geometry
  • Read a curve graph and determine design offset measurement for a point on the track
  • State track and operating conditions that influence lateral and vertical forces of track train dynamics
  • Identify and measure track geometry irregularities
  • Use Engineering Track Standards, Recommended Methods and Technical Specification Plans to locate & apply standards during inspection
  • Determine appropriate operating speeds for given track geometry conditions
  • Identify defects, problems & conditions that may be encountered during inspection of track, turnouts & ROW
  • Describe the inspection requirements for at grade road crossing and their warning systems
  • Test hand operated, spring operated, and power operated switches
  • Describe the correct procedure for measuring switch points, stock rails, flangeways, and frogs
  • Identify points where guard-check gauge is measured
  • Describe the correct procedure for inspecting railway crossings
  • List items to check and what to look for when inspecting the track and right-of-way
  • List drainage related systems to be checked when inspecting track
  • State required actions for specific track deviations

DURATION: This course is of a 3 day duration.

CLASS SIZE: 1 - 12 trainees

Trainees will be provided with a full size Trainee Guide with professional graphics and an on-job reference guide.  In addition they will receive a copy of the CN or CP Track Standards, whichever applies to your road.

Upon completion of the course trainees will be given a laminated wallet sized card certifying them as track inspectors according to Transport Canada Railway Track Safety Rules.

If you require any more information or wish to request a quote, please Contact Us.

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